If you're new to this Capsule Wardrobe idea and not quite sure if you can commit 100% we totally understand. It's certainly a big change for many people and the idea of throwing away a lot of clothing can be quite stressful. We don't think it needs to be an all or nothing approach. Below we have compiled a list of a few small ways you can start to apply some Capsule Wardrobe thinking to your current wardrobe, without the risk of any regrets.
1. Follow the 2+ rule
When you go shopping it's a great idea to limit yourself to buying pieces you can wear in at least 2, but ideally more, combinations. If you can't make two or more outfits then the piece isn't versatile. Versatility is a key Capsule Wardrobe concept that makes a wardrobe wearable. When you have lots of versatile pieces you have options, and options makes for a much easier morning routine.
2. Shop your wardrobe
Look at your existing wardrobe and see what pieces you're not getting much wear out of. Then, ask yourself why that might be? Are you missing key things that will make those items more wearable. Lots of times we hear this from clients who have big gaps, and really it's a simple as adding some essential tops, or a few more shoe options. If you have these gaps then you can have a really hard time getting an outfit together. Take the time to shop your wardrobe and see what you're not getting the most out of. Then, make strategic investments so that you can wear your entire wardrobe with ease.
3. Ponder your mistakes
You know what they say about mistakes. Although painful they often contain the best lessons, and help us learn about ourselves. So when it comes to your wardrobe, look at your mistakes and make note of them. For example, maybe you're really into polkadots and you have more than enough OR you gravitate to big bold prints and then don't wear them.... whatever the case, look at what you might be over investing in and make the conscious decision to STOP when you're gravitating to these pieces in a store.
And there ya go, just a few ways to apply Capsule Wardrobe thinking to improve your wardrobe usability. We hope you give them go & find them useful!
Have a great day!
Hannah & Robyn